SBHS Invitational
Entry Forms
SBHS Invitational Meet Entries
1. Scroll to the bottom of this page and click on your school name for the division of entry forms that you need.
2. The entry form file will automatically download to your computer. Check the download ribbon at the bottom of your browser.
3. Open the downloaded document on your computer. You may need to click the "Enable Edit" button in the yellow bar at the top of the Excel window. The document is a protected document that will only allow you to type information in the blue and green boxes. The blue shaded box in each line is for the input of the athlete’s last name. A first name initial(s) may be added after the last name to help distinguish between athletes of the same last name. The green shaded box in each line is for the input of the athlete’s time or distance for the respective event. A time or distance MUST be entered. If an athlete’s time or distance is unknown, then please estimate or enter a high time or short distance. Please enter your times and distances according to the following format:
Enter times as: 10.2 or 1:04.58 (not 64.58)
Enter distances as: 6’01.00” or 121’01.50”
Once you have typed all of your entries into the document, then save ("save as") the document to a location on your computer where you can find the file. Attach the entry form file to an email and send the email to by April 10, 2022. After I have received your email entries I should be able to email scratch sheets back to you. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, then please contact me either by using the above email address or by phone (833-722-7237 - Ext. 1).
Thank you,
Clint Erikson